Our Services

Our Services and Sacraments

Mass Times

Sunday Mass: 10:30 am.

Tuesday Mass:
4:00 pm.

Holy Week and Easter Schedule: Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper @ 6:00 pm. Good Friday: Service of the Lord’s Passion @ 6:00 pm. Easter Sunday: Mass of the Resurrection @ 10:30 am.

Reconciliation: Tuesdays
3:00 pm.

Stations of the Cross: Tuesdays 3:30 pm.

Lenten Penance Services: – Sunday, March 30, St. Thomas More @ 4:30 pm – Tuesday, April 1, St. Francis de Sales @ 6:00 pm – Tuesday, April 8, Rosary Chapel @ 4:30 pm – Tuesday, April 8, St. John the Evangelist @ 6 pm – Wednesday, April 9, La Center @ 5:30 pm.


Sacrament of Reconciliation
Available by Appointment
Six steps to a good confession

Sacrament of Baptism*
This is for children under 7 years of age by arrangement with one of the priests. Parents and Godparents need to attend a one-hour session to prepare for baptism preferably prior to the baby’s birth.

*Non-Baptized children 7 years of age and older should register in the fall for RCIA for Children.

*Non-Baptized high school youth should register in the fall for RCIA for Adults.

Sacrament of First Reconciliation & First Communion*
For Second Grade students after preparation by parents and Catholic School or Faith Formation (CCD) teachers. Contact Parish Office at 444-6383

*Baptized children who are 7 years of age and above are asked to attend Faith Formation classes or St. Mary Elementary School for one year before receiving the sacrament.

Sacrament of Confirmation
For High School students enrolled in Faith Formation or St. Mary High for one year prior to starting preparation classes. Adult Confirmation will be a special series of classes of Baptism, Penance, Eucharist, (Marriage) already received.

Sacrament of Marriage
Diocesan policy requires that marriage arrangements be made with one of the priests six months prior to the wedding for classes to start.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Please call the parish office if interested 270-444-6383.