Ministries & More
Ministry Guide
On this page you will find information on ministries and organizations that are active at Rosary Chapel. We welcome all persons to share time and talent in any way you feel comfortable. For further information, please call the Parish Office at (270)444-6383.
Liturgical Ministries
Minister of Hospitality (Usher)– assists in greeting and seating people before weekend liturgy, carries the collection basket.
Minister of the Word ( Lector)– proclaims Scripture – the Word of God – during liturgy.
Minister of the Eucharist– assists in distributing the Eucharist (in forms of bread and wine) during liturgies.
Minister of the Altar (Servers)– assists at the altar during liturgies. Open to boys and girls 3rd grade and up.
Minister of the Eucharist to Homebound and Sick– takes the Eucharist to the homebound and/or to Nursing Home residents/hospital patients.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word– provides separate Liturgy of the Word for children ages 5-8 during liturgy.
Music Ministry– includes cantor, adult choir, children’s choir.
Liturgy Committee– includes liturgical education (both of members and of the Parish as a whole), environment and music, the training of ministers for specific roles and execution of tasks which are needed for the celebration of various Liturgies.
Vacation Bible School– Held for children ages 4 through the 6th grade. Included are catechists (teachers), aides, arts and crafts etc.
Social Concerns Committee– becomes involved in justice issues of our day.
Social Activities Committee– prepares different Social Activities throughout the year, such as Epiphany Breakfast, Annual Picnic, etc.
Men’s Club– organization of men who minister to the community through acts of charity.
Women’s Club– organization of women who minister to the community through acts of charity. Offers a meal following funerals. Includes serving and cleaning up after the meal.
Coffee & Donuts– Coffee & donuts served after Mass on 1st Sunday of each month, prepared by Women’s & Men’s club.